
Real Life 3/2024


Life is busy, fun and adventurous but sometimes we have to say “NO” stop all the busyness and touch base- get on the same page and game plan. 

Life goes by too fast 

Kids grow up and are adults before we know it

As parents we need to be intentional, doing our best by showing up! Tell your kids how much you love them but also show that you love them by parenting them with safe and tough boundaries as needed! 

Yesterday we found ourselves as parents referencing everything back to our family values.

  • Love God
  • Work Hard
  • Love Others

Do you have family values? 

Dig in parents, do not loose heart, it is hard, really hard. But me MUST show up! 

“Worth fighting for” 8/2023


Life isn’t always a bed of roses. 🌹 

Marriage isn’t always easy. 

Parenting isn’t easy 

Showing up every day and working your hardest isn’t always easy

Following your dreams is hard. 

We need to give ourselves a pep talk to not be lazy, and to show up! 

Evaluating what things in our life are worth fighting for, they need to take priority. 

My life goal is to not look back and have regrets. We have to show up every single day for the things that are worth fighting for! 

* You fill in the blank. 

________ is worth fighting for! 

Family Values 8/2022


A piece of advice that was shared with us at the beginning of summer was from a man with grown children, he said that having family values has been really helpful to him as he patented. He asked Patrick if we had any family values - and come to think of it at the time we did not.

So today is the day we kick off our family values. This will be a guide to Patrick & I as we parent but also for the kids as they go out and make their own decisions. It is our prayer that the kids will take the RUDY family values with them as they navigate the waters of life and adulthood. (our values are based in Gods word) 

We escaped to Beaver Brook lake in Evergreen. It was a beautiful day that ended in a downpour but memories were made

Did your parents have family values posted up on a wall when you grew up?

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